About Us

Top Martial Arts & Fitness Classes in Caldicot & Risca

We hope you enjoy our website and will stop by and visit us if you are in the area. This site is designed to give you information about the Martial Arts classes we have on offer, provide information about our staff and how to contact us if you require any further information.

Benefits of Training at Caldicot & Risca Kickboxing and Filipino Martial Arts.

Self Confidence – Martial Arts is great for improving self confidence, this happens through two areas, as students progress through the belt ranks their belief and confidence grows, competency breeds confidence. Also by learning to defend themselves they feel more secure which greatly improves self confidence.

Fitness – Martial Arts is a great way to improve your fitness, working every muscle in your body, punching is great for your arms backs and Shoulders, kicking is great for toning and strengthening the backs and fronts of your legs, and your bum too.

Lose Weight – Martial Arts can burn up to 800 calories per hour that’s double most other types of exercise, this is why people choose martial arts to lose weight.

Focus/Concentration – the 1st area we work on with any child is the ability to focus, after all if they can’t concentrate they won’t be able to learn. We start by teaching the 3 rules of concentration focus your eyes, focus your mind, and focus your body this will greatly improve your child’s focus and concentration.

Respect – students learn to get respect by giving respect and treating other people the way we want to be treated, and to respect Parents and teachers most of all.

Self Control – we teach students to develop control over their bodies through exercises in class, once they learn to control their body the mind follows, so when they get angry and want to react, self control will stop them.

Improve other Sports – we work a lot on developing speed, power, timing, flexibility and co-ordination in our classes these skills are obviously important in any sport.

Self Discipline - we instil in children the attitude of knowing what to do and going right ahead and doing it without being told. Like cleaning their room, homework, and practicing their martial arts, it’s just like a muscle the more it’s used the bigger it gets.

Self Defence – we don’t just teach the physical techniques of self defence, we also teach the attitude of self defence, awareness and being able to spot potentially dangerous situations before they occur.

Prevent Bullying – lots of parents have enrolled their children for the same reason. We teach children how to give out the right signals to the bully, we teach them the correct body language to enable them to express themselves in a confident way, as well as lots of physical and mental tactics.

Give Your Child Life Skills for a Lifetime

Many parents struggle with solutions to put their child on the fast track to success, and one such solution is not usually far from home. It is your local martial arts school.

How will martial arts change your child's life? The difference could be, as simple as, keeping your child away from peer pressure that leads to drug abuse. Although, the answer is much deeper, martial arts will give any child the tools necessary to become a success in life.

Goal setting skills (a major component in martial arts training) make a huge difference in anyone's life. By making accomplishments, your child develops a positive self-image. This "positive self visualisation" develops academic and athletic success.

Children want structure, and they crave discipline. This makes them feel secure in family, school, and public settings. Within their martial arts training, they find structure, discipline, and the ability to discipline themselves.

Social skills, (like good manners), eye contact, and public speaking, are developed in each lesson. As your child advances through the ranks, there may be more opportunities with the "Tournament Team."

Tournament Team members learn about showmanship, humility, and the courage to perform in a variety of public settings

Martial arts provides children a positive way to burn calories, and socialise with quality friends, in a safe setting. It also keeps them away from the television.

Caldicot & Risca Kickboxing and Filipino Martial Arts prides itself on the positive development of its students. We have many success stories - from academic achievements, to losing pounds of unwanted fat. If you want to make a positive change in your life, or that of a loved one, We Are always there to help YOU. 

Call 07961589979 or email [email protected] to book a free trial session

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